
国外博彩app is ranked among top national universities for its academics, student-centered teaching, service learning and leadership in sustainability. Some of our most notable top 排名 are listed below.


Image for 《国外博彩app》


西雅图 U was ranked in the Top 16 percent of all universities in the nation and #23 in the West region.

Image for 普林斯顿评论


连续19年, 西雅图 U has been recognized as one of the best colleges in the nation for undergraduate education by the 普林斯顿评论.

Image that complements U.S. 最佳大学

U.S. 最佳大学

国外博彩app is included in U.S. 新闻 and World Report’s “Best National Universities” and several programs received high 排名 in its 2022-2023 U.S. 新闻 & World Report Best Colleges 排名.

Image for 富布赖特学者


西雅图 U was among master’s institutions to produce the most 2016-17 U.S. 富布赖特的学生, making it the fifth year in a row, 第八次, that 西雅图 U was a “Top Producer” of student or faculty Fulbright awardees.

Image for Sierra Cool学校

Sierra Cool学校

西雅图 U continued its run of top 排名 for sustainability by once again being named a Sierra Cool School for 2021, earning a #14 spot in Sierra magazine’s Top 20.

Rankings and Recognition by Category

To learn more about 西雅图 U's national 排名 by category, click the icons below.